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Terms & Conditions

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The following terms and conditions are applicable when enrolling and/or booking your child(ren) to attend Te Ora Ake programs:


You must agree with these Terms & Conditions before booking your child(ren) on any TOA program.



Consent and Permission

I consent my child(ren) to attend and be involved with the program activities as advertised or a similar replacement activity if the advertised activity is not available.


I permit Te Ora Ake Staff to transport my child(ren) via van or approved vehicle in a safe manner to any destination required to fulfil the planned activities of the program. (more info in the Off-Site Excursions section)


I give my consent for Te Ora Ake Staff to contact and organize medical support for my child(ren) at my expense should the need arise. Te Ora Ake Staff will notify me of any event requiring medical assistance for my child(ren).

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Parental/Legal Caregiver Responsibility

TE ORA AKE Staff will exercise due care but will not be held liable for any injury, damage or loss your child(ren) may sustain to person or property.


Parents/caregivers are liable for any wilful damage their child(ren) may cause to a person or property. 


TE ORA AKE staff may administer any medication to a child(ren) as prescribed by the client in the enrolment form.


TE ORA AKE can only be held responsible for children from the time they are signed into the program (or are picked up by our pickup service) until they are signed out or leave the program each day. If a parent/caregiver is not using the pickup service (or an authorised representative) they agree to sign children in and out of the program each day.


Parents/caregivers or an authorised representative (on the enrolment form) must collect the child(ren) by 5:30pm and sign the child(ren) out of the program. Failure to collect your child(ren) by this time may incur a late fee.

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Fees & Payments

Fees are as advertised but are subject to change.


Program fees will be invoiced to the parent/caregiver and must be paid in full on or before the due date specified on the applicable invoice.


If you intend for TOA to receive payment by way of full or partial subsidy from Work and Income (WINZ), another government department, a business, agency or any other organisation, TOA must receive written (email or letter) confirmation of the proposed payment and attendance arrangement from the applicable entity before the child/children can attend the program. If the organisation fails to pay the invoiced amount on or before the due date, the parent/caregiver will be responsible for making payment in full. If the organisation makes full payment after the parent or caregiver has made the payment, a full refund will be given less than a $25 administration fee. 


Interest on overdue invoices shall accrue daily from the date when payment becomes due, until the date of payment, at a rate of ten percent (12%) per calendar month (Interest will compound monthly at the specified rate at the sole discretion of TOA) after as well as before any judgment.​


If any account remains overdue after thirty (30) days, your child/children may be removed from the programme until payment has been received and the debt may be referred to our Debt Collection Agency and all collection costs will be added to the amount outstanding.


Failure to pay an account in full on or before the due date may result in TOA involving a debt collection agency to recover the outstanding debt. Any collection costs and applicable fees incurred will be added to all overdue accounts.


Full fees might be charged for school closure due to unforeseen circumstances, eg Teachers Strike, an act of God, pandemic, etc.


Casual bookings are for unspecified days/dates during a school term. Casual bookings may be cancelled provided 24 hours notice is given by emailing the TE ORA AKE office ( or texting the TOA mobile phone before the next booked session.


Full fees are charged for all absences, including sickness, failure to inform TOA, change of mind, change of circumstances, shy children etc, with the exception of 24 or 48+ Hours hours notice to the Program Coordinator by way of email or text. See Cancellations and Refunds section


A penalty fee of $8/child is charged for any absences or for situations in which phone calls are made to determine the whereabouts of an absent child/children where no notification has been provided.


All public holidays are charged at the applicable rate for bookings normally required on that day.

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Cancellations and Refunds

If you cancel a pre-booked day we will provide a refund as follows:

With 24 hours notice, you will receive a 50% refund of the session booked​

With 48 hours notice, you will receive an 80% refund of the session booked.


It's ok to change and add days to your booking. Just let us know as soon as possible to ensure we have sufficient spaces available. Additional session bookings will be charged at the current standard price.


Additional fees will be charged if a child is picked up after TOA's usual closing times.


Without prejudice to any other solution, TOA may, if at any time a client is in breach of an obligation

(including those relating to payment) suspend or terminate the enrolment and is released from all other obligations under the terms and conditions. TOA will not be liable to the client for any loss or damage that the client may suffer because TOA has exercised its rights under this clause.

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Health & Safety

Minor health & safety accidents/incidents will be treated by appropriately trained First Aid trained staff members. Serious health & safety accidents/incidents will be dealt with according to TE ORA AKE Policies & Procedures. (Minor health & safety accidents/incidents may include but are not limited to; minor cuts, abrasions, soft tissue bumps and bruises.)


TE ORA AKE staff may apply sunblock as appropriate. Parents may want to provide their own sunblock but must inform a staff member first.


TE ORA AKE staff may provide a single dose of Paracetamol if required unless the parent/caregiver has specifically requested TE ORA AKE staff not to. 


TE ORA AKE staff may administer prescribed medication to children when/if required. Full

information on dosages must be provided by the parent/caregiver in writing using the TE ORA AKE medical care form. along with the medication. TE ORA AKE staff will record each time a medication is given.

If your child does not arrive at TE ORA AKE by the specified time parents/caregivers will be notified immediately and be expected to take all necessary measures to find their child. 


If a child/children arrive at TE ORA AKE without a prior booking, parents/caregivers will be notified immediately and we may require you to arrange collection of your child/children.


TE ORA AKE staff are trained to deal with emergencies. In the case of a serious accident involving your child, you acknowledge and hereby permit the TE ORA AKE team to either call an ambulance or take your child to the nearest medical facility, after which you will be notified. You agree that you will cover any associated costs.


In the case of a civil emergency, the TE ORA AKE team will remain at the building until all children are picked up.

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Off-site Excursions

TE ORA AKE programmes (particularly holidays) regularly have trips and activities that take place away from our main site (Home Base). All trips are responsibly undertaken per the ‘Excursions Policy section of the TE ORA AKE Policy and Procedure Manual. You hereby give TE ORA AKE permission to transport your child/ren to and from a designated TE ORA AKE place of operation if and when required i.e. evacuation, fire and earthquake drill or a program outing etc.

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Parent/Caregiver Contact InformationIt is the parent's/caregiver's sole responsibility to ensure that their contact information is kept up to date.


Photos & Videos of Children/or children's work/creations

Photographs of your child and their items, creations or completed work while at TOA may be used for training, marketing and/or promotional purposes. You hereby give consent for this unless, during the enrolment process, you have indicated otherwise.

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Privacy & Confidentiality

Where you are an individual the authorities under this clause are authorities or consents for the purposes of the Privacy Act 1993.


You have the right to request from TE ORA AKE a copy of the information about you or your children retained by TE ORA AKE. You have the right to request TE ORA AKE to correct any information about you that may be incorrect and is held by TE ORA AKE.


You acknowledge that the information contained herein is confidential, and pursuant to the Privacy Act, will only be used by TE ORA AKE to effectively care for your child/ren and not used or distributed for any other purposes. Representatives from the Ministry of Social Development OSCAR Approvals team may view this information as part of the auditing process.


The TOA program policies and procedures manual is available for viewing upon request.



If you would like to place any feedback, please contact us here​



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Parent Liability
Fees and Payment
Cancellation & Refunds
Health & Safety
Parent Contact Info
Photos of Kids
Parent Consent
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