Water is essential to life and kids need plenty of water in order to feel good, focus, concentrate and think. Water also gives your children the necessary energy and brainpower to help them learn easier and better. In this article you will discover 3 Fun Facts, 5 amazing benefits and the recommended daily intake of water, and also why kids (and adults) need plenty of water every day to stay happy and healthy!
Fun Facts:
75% of your child’s body is made up of water. As an adult, it’s 70%. And interestingly, our earth is also 70% water.
Did you know that people can go for three weeks or more without food? But Only a few days without water. Water is necessary for life!
Water is the main component of every organ in your body. Your skin contains 80% water!
5 Benefits of drinking Water:
#1 Water Eliminates Dehydration
Dehydration means your body doesn’t have enough water to function correctly. 75% of people (including children) are extremely dehydrated.
Even mild dehydration will
slow down your child’s metabolism as much as 3% and cause fatigue
cause them to feel grumpy or tired
give them headaches
The human body has no stored water to draw on during dehydration so it’s vitally important that your child drinks water throughout the day.
#2 Water Helps Kids Suffering from Asthma and Allergies
Children need water for their cells to grow. As they grow, 75% of the cell volume must be filled with water. This is one reason why children develop asthma and allergies during the growth stage of their physical development–they don’t have enough water for their body systems to function. Some research indicates that asthma can be caused by chronic dehydration, and by increasing water and adding a bit of salt to the tongue, asthma coughing disappears. Kids are also susceptible to allergies if they increase their food intake but not their water intake.
#3 Water Lessens Hunger Pains
In a University of Washington study, it was discovered that dieters who drink one glass of water before bed will shut down late-night hunger pains by almost 100%! Drinking water helps separate the feelings of thirst and hunger. Kids and adults who suffer from a weak thirst mechanism, often mistake thirst for hunger. Many kids and adults who feel hungry are really in need of water.
#4 Water Reduces Fatigue and Helps Kids Learn
When your kids are thirsty, they get tired very easily. Studies show that not replenishing the body with water is the number 1 trigger of daytime fatigue. Water is the main source of energy and, by some professionals, has been called the “cash flow” of the body.
At some schools kids are not allowed to drink any water until lunch time and after that, they may have to wait until they were ready to go home to have more water. This may be to eliminate kids from leaving class and going to the bathroom. However, it’s a bad idea!
Kids in school need water to help:
Keep their brains alive and working
Water gives a child electrical energy for brain functions, particularly thinking.
It is needed for sustained focus energy
Water can also help prevent attention deficit disorder in children (and adults). In fact, kids who drink plenty of water, their attention spans actually increase.
Water integrates mind and body functions. It helps kids and teens with the desire to make goals and have a purpose. Hard to believe that water can do this–but research indicates it can and does.
#5 Drinking Water Helps With Short-term Memory
Did you know that a mere 2% drop in body water can trigger fuzzy short-term memory? It can also cause kids to have problems understanding basic maths, and have difficulty focusing on a computer screen or printed page in a book. Drinking water every day can help prevent memory loss well into old age.
Recommended Daily Water Intake:
Children Ages 5-8: Five 250ml glasses of water each day or 1250ml
Ages 9-12: Seven 250ml glasses of water daily or at least 1750ml
Ages 13+: Ten 250ml glasses of water or at least 2500ml
Always send your kids to School and TOA with a Bottle of fresh water. At TOA we provide clean, fresh water each day so kids can keep well hydrated and on top of their game!